Yukon Wildlife Viewing and Yukon Arts Centre are excited to launch an artist residency program at Swan Haven, during the 2024 A Celebration of Swans festival, and are pleased to announce Haines Junction artist Martha Ritchie as the inaugural artist-in-residence. Martha studied printmaking at Emily Carr College of Art and is known for her bold linocut prints as well as her work with hand-printed three-dimensional textile art.
Martha finds inspiration in the vast northern wilderness and is excited to spend two weeks amidst birds and people at Swan Haven. During her residency, Martha plans to draw the gathering swans and other birds and use the sketches to design a linoleum printing block of the birds amongst the snow and water. The block will eventually be used to print on a gown, sewn from repurposed textiles, to commemorate the annual swan migration through the Yukon.
Check the events listing below to learn about Martha’s scheduled artist talk, hands-on workshops and open studio times.
Friday April 18 Artist Talk at 6:30 pm
Swan Haven Artist in Residence Martha Ritchie invites members of the public to an evening presentation about her art. This talk will provide insight into Martha’s artistic practice, inspiration and experience as well as a preview of the project she will be working on during her stay at Swan Haven. Find out how a project comes together from the initial spark of an idea to the finished product and all that happens in between.
Sunday April 21: Drop in Relief Printing with Martha Ritchie 1-3pm
What better way to celebrate the swans than with a hand-printed clothing decal? Printmaker Martha Ritchie will provide visitors with an opportunity to try their hand at printing onto fabric using a selection of pre-carved printing blocks and repurposed textiles. Or bring along a favourite item of clothing and give it a new look. This drop-in activity is free of charge and family-friendly.

April 24 – Open studio 5-8pm
Resident artist Martha Ritchie invites visitors to Swan Haven to two open studios during her time at Swan Haven. Visitors can get a view of the printing blocks being carved as well as a preview of the textile project as it progresses. Martha will be on hand to share how she works as well as answer questions and give insights into her swan project.
April 27 Open Studio 11am-2pm
Visit the Artist in Residence wall tent and get a view of the printing blocks being carved as well as a preview of the textile project as it progresses. Martha will be on hand to share how she works as well as answer questions and give insights into her swan project.
April 28 Drop in Relief Printing with Martha Ritchie 1-3pm
What better way to celebrate the swans than with a hand-printed clothing decal? Printmaker Martha Ritchie will provide visitors with an opportunity to try their hand at printing onto fabric using a selection of pre-carved printing blocks and repurposed textiles. Or bring along a favourite item of clothing and give it a new look. This drop-in activity is free of charge and family-friendly.
If you miss the artist talk, open studio hours, or hands on printing activities you can still catch Martha at Swan Haven drawing and working on site from April 17 through to April 30.