Yukon Artists At Work (YAAW) has been a mainstay of the Whitehorse arts scene since it began in a tiny trailer in the MacRae subdivision of Whitehorse in 2003. A new exhibit marks the 20th anniversary of YAAW and celebrates the important role the organization has played in the territory.
The show is called Re-collecting Yukon Artists at Work – 20th Anniversary Exhibit. It features the work of more than 75 artists who are current or former members of YAAW.
“YAAW is a truly artist-driven organization,” says co-curator Nicole Bauberger. “We have never had core funding; our existence depends on artists paying their dues, working shifts to keep the gallery open, and sharing their artwork. YAAW has created a place where the work of these artists can find an audience.”
“We’ve tried to include in this show a piece from every artist who spent time as a member of YAAW, and the art spans the full 20 years of YAAW’s existence.”
As many as possible of the works have been loaned to the exhibition by Yukon art lovers. Several are from the Yukon Permanent Art Collection. A few are still in the collections of the artists.
“We’ve tried to include in this show a piece from every artist who spent time as a member of YAAW, and the art spans the full 20 years of YAAW’s existence,” says the show’s other co-curator, Janet Patterson. “As someone who only joined Yukon Artists at Work a few years ago, I loved connecting with artists who were with the organization before my time, and seeing their work. I am very excited to share this collection with members of the public.”
“Among the works people will find a few collaborations,” says Bauberger. “YAAW itself is a collaboration between member artists, and between artists and our community at large. The quality of our organization is reflected in the ways we have worked together over the years, and the way we continue to work together.”