Canadian actor and professional geek Charlie Ross is back, portraying Iron Man’s armour, Cap’s shield, Hulk’s rage, Thor’s biceps, Thanos’s chin and Black Widow’s butt in his One Man Avengers in his hilarious parody. Directed by TJ Dawe.
As writer and performer of One Man Star Wars, One Man Avengers and One Man Lord of the Rings, he has toured the globe for the last 11 years, delighting audiences with his unique and frenetic solo shows.
Born in a northern British Columbian town (closely resembling the Shire), Charlie spent his early years longing for galaxies far, far away. It was the discovery of a passion for acting (and a move to more southerly climes) that brought this geek-at-heart back to earth.
At university, Ross formed a friendship and collaborating partnership with actor/writer/director, TJ Dawe. TJ has directed four of Ross’s solo shows – the first being the wildly successful One Man Star Wars.
With thousands of performances, in hundreds of cities, across four continents: from off-Broadway NYC to the Sydney Opera House, or the West End of London to the sands of Dubai- chances are these shows have been there. The worldwide love affair with these Trilogies is phenomenal- and it’s been a dream come true, for Charlie Ross, to celebrate that love with the generations of fans around the world.
You can find out more about Charlie, TJ, One Man Lord of the Rings and Star Wars through Facebook and Twitter.
“Like the Energizer Bunny”- Calgary Herald
“Nerd heaven” – Chicago Tribune
“Nuclear levels of energy” – Variety
“An uncanny ability to perform multiple characters at the drop of a hat” – Boston Theatre
“If anyone can be described as a one-man multimedia machine, Charles Ross is it.” – Australian Stage
“An uncanny ability to perform multiple characters at the drop of a hat.”