Fostering the growth of Yukon-based artists in various performing arts disciplines, providing them with essential resources to support their artistic journey.
The Yukon Arts Centre is committed to the ongoing development of the arts in the Yukon. The @YAC Residency is a key component of that commitment. With an emphasis on performing arts – dance, music, opera, musical theatre and interdisciplinary performance – the @YAC Residency celebrates and encourages the artistic development of Yukon based producers and creators by giving them access to valuable resources. This includes facilities such as rehearsal and performance space, equipment and crew.
Past residents have profited both in the development of their artistic projects and in their own personal and professional development as members of the Yukon performing arts community.
Who is Eligible?
Performing artists, artistic collectives and artistic production companies residing and located in the Yukon Territory or Atlin BC can apply. We encourage applications from artists and those working in the performing arts, regardless of where they find themselves in the production of their artistic project.
There are two application deadlines per year: May 1st and November 1st.
It is expected that the project for which you are applying will be produced and completed within 6 months of the application deadline. Applications can be sent in at any time but will be reviewed collectively immediately following the application deadline.
If you have any questions or want to discuss the @YAC Residency further, contact us: